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Providing free and low cost events info for the Richmond Metropolitan area.


I moved to Richmond in August, 1994.  After completing my degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, I decided to stay in the city that I had grown to love.  There was a downside to living here.  Being an non-native to the city, I constantly heard friends, co-workers and associates complain that there was nothing to do in the city.  "Richmond was boring."  I took the time to look through websites, newspapers and magazines to get an idea of how to fill my weekend after a hard week at work. 


Enter the wkend 411!  Each week, I've decided to provide a list of free to low cost events to those interested.  This list helps fill the weekend desire to get out and be active.  Family and budget friendly.   Wkend 411 is a non-profit website and is for entertainment purposes only.  ~Things to do in Richmond VA


Info Supplier




Our City

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